A delicious quality go-kart from Mercedes with real rubber wheels.
Super nice design, a Go-Kart made in quality and design, now with real rubber wheels for better driving and comfort.
Easy to assemble and very easy for the child to run on, this go-kart is just a bit better than its competitors.
Mercedes comes with a nice sports seat.
The seat can be set to 3 positions to suit children of different height and ages 3-8 years.
* Sports seat
* Adjustable seat
* Handbrake
* Rubber tires
* Heavy metal frame
* Licens gokart with the official logo
* Recommend age: 3 - 8 år
* Product size 112cm x 58cm x 62cm
* Box size: 110cm x 57,5cm x 29cm
* Weight: 17kg/14.3kg